Every now and then, I get a commission that makes my heart sing.
In October last year a fantastically talented friend of mine Rebekah Bouche sat down with me over a cup of tea and, having watched me for 6 months or so working on 'Attendant' (a piece of work aimed at measuring the weight of the act of waiting), and feeling that some of the songs on her album were certainly expressing ideas along similar lines, asked me about the possibility of a collaboration.
Rebekah had a vision of wanting a very clean look for the artwork on her new album, and having already enlisted the skills of the marvellous Carrie Anne Watkins to create the perfect white dress, asked me if I would hand paint the finished article, using it as a canvas, with the title of her album 'So Long Solemn' as the material.
I gladly obliged and you can see the fruits of our labour in the photos below!
Should you wish to take a longer look, and hear the music this fiercely strong/beautifully fragile woman has created and recorded please do come along to her album launch on April 21st at Dalston Old Boys Club ( a magical venue), where your ears and eyes will be treated to something guaranteed to be spectacular! It will sound a little like THIS. Tickets available HERE.